Words from Clemmie

Happy New Year all you lovely people! I tried something a little different as we approached 2018 and so far I have to say it’s going rather well! I have never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions, they have always brought a feeling of anxiety to the start of a new year when what I would prefer to be feeling is strength and calm.

So this year instead of writing my list of resolutions for 2018, I wrote my list of my 2017 top achievements and how I see each one helping to make 2018 even better. I’m focussing on the positive, giving myself a big thumbs up for all that was and all that is to come. So if you feel overwhelmed with the January pressure of DOING; new rules, beginnings and regimes, take a moment to congratulate yourself for getting this far and allow yourself time to just BE because you are already AMAZING!

Clemmie Jones, THOM&TEA Tea Ambassador



